TAGG Another Way to Give to the Church


After you shop or dine at a participating business or restaurant, you simply take a photo of your receipt, designate St. Charles Borromeo as your charity, and submit it online to TAGG. Then, our parish automatically receives a certain percentage of the dollars you spent as a charitable donation from the business. It’s that easy! And it is a super easy way to generate more funds for the parish’s mission without having to increase your own sacrificial giving.

According to the TAGG website, the average TAGGer generates $120 per year. This means that, even if only 20% of our parishioners took the time to TAGG on a regular basis, we would receive approximately $20,000 in donations. It’s not hard to do; it takes just a few minutes to funnel the funds in our direction after each purchase.

How to TAGG:

Participating Businesses!